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Transforming Dogs and their Owners: Hear What Our Clients Have to Say About Our Training Services

Dobermann Pinscher dog training testimonial

I would highly recommend training at Goldenbrook.  I first came to the facility looking for basic obedience for my new puppy, he’s now almost 2 and I don’t see us leaving.  There is no dog discrimination- having a Doberman I would expect people to be uncertain but the instructor loves him as her own.  The atmosphere is fun and lighthearted but we get the work in.  My dog and I look forward to our weekly class together it’s so good for us as a team. The owner Deb is an AKC Instructor and offers testing when your canine is ready. We have completed the STAR puppy and the CGC test through the AKC program and are eager to continue on.  She also offers agility work with different circuits which is fun as a team!  I cannot recommend this facility enough!! 

-Nicole R., New Hartford, CT

I began at Goldenbrook Farm on the recommendation of a friend for dog training.  My German Shepherd Celia was a difficult puppy, biting her leash and my leg as I tried to walk her.  I, as well as Celia, needed a training facility that would teach the correct techniques to make me a strong handler and Celia the follower.  As I am meek by nature, it took several weeks for me to develop the mindset that I needed to be the alpha which was accomplished by consistent training by Deb at Goldenbrook Farm and her encouragement for me to work with Celia at home.  Goldenbrook Farm not only provided obedience training but combined it with agility training allowing both myself and Celia to form a better bond and learn how to communicate together.  Through all the training classes & techniques, learning how to be a strong handler, training at home & learning how to communicate with Celia, etcetera, we became a good team that share a mutual respect and love!!  Thank you Goldenbrook Farm!!​

-Paula L.

German shepard dog training testimonial in Harwinton CT
Lab mix dog training testimonial in Harwinton CT

I began my journey with Finn at Goldenbrook Farm K-9 3 years ago when I adopted Finn as a puppy.  At Goldenbrook not only does Debbie teach obedience but also scent training, agility and advanced obedience training all while having fun and bonding with your dog to become a great team.  I can take Finn anywhere with me and he is so well behaved and people are so amazed with his good manners.  Finn and I were able to pass our Canine Good Citizen designation but also our Canine Urban designation too.  Finn and I were also provided several opportunities to go with Debbie to a local nursing home to visit the residents.  Debbie at Goldenbrook teaches you the skills to train your dog along with building your confidence.  I am so proud of Finn and also myself for all we have accomplished and owe this to Goldenbrook.  Debbie works with each dog and helps you bring out the best in your dog and really makes you and your dog a true team!  A well trained dog makes the best companion!  Thank you Goldenbrook!!
-Laura B.

My boys couldn’t be any more different from one another and they both benefited greatly from training with Debbie at Goldenbrook Farm with their individual needs. It was fun and gratifying to watch their potential grow. I appreciate the positive reinforcement & reward style and training in realistic situations Goldenbrook Farm provides. This, along with all of the knowledge I have learned here, have given me the confidence to experience our capabilities out in the world one-on-one or as a pack to its fullest


-Harmony L.

Lab mix and australian shepard dog training testimonial in Harwinton CT
golden doodle training testimonial in Harwinton CT

I am so happy I contacted Deb at Goldenbrook Farm when I needed training for my Goldendoodle puppy.  Pepe’ is now 11 months old and close to 90 lbs so without good training would be quite a handful. He was such a clown when we started training but he has come so far. Deb is so knowledgeable and we have learned so much from her.  We love our training sessions.

-Barbara C.

Reese was feral when she was born.  She went to a rescue, then to a federal penitentiary where she was beaten by an inmate.  She came to us scared of everything.  If she could see my husband she was barking at him.  After two supposed "trainers" and a lot of money, we were given the name "Goldenbrook Farm", trainer Deb Birden.  It took one session with Deb for us to realize that she would be able to help us with Reese.    

Today Reese works off leash and enjoys every minute of going through the agility course.  Without Deb, I honestly don't know what we would have done.  We never would have given Reese up, but she would not be living her best life, and we would have missed having the smartest, most loving dog we have ever owned.    

We highly recommend "Goldenbrook Farm"​

-John & Shan Gallicchio

Dog training testomonial for Goldenbrook farm
German shepard testimonial

"Deb, at Golden Brook Farm, is beyond phenomenal when it comes to not only obedience training but understanding dog behavior and the canine/human partnership. Her passionate guidance is clear, concise, and consistent, while maintaining professionalism in a fun environment."

-Shelly F.

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